SB 4.8.66
अप्यनाथं वने ब्रह्मन्मा स्मादन्त्यर्भकं वृका: ।
श्रान्तं शयानं क्षुधितं परिम्लानमुखाम्बुजम् ॥ ६६ ॥
apy anāthaṁ vane brahman
mā smādanty arbhakaṁ vṛkāḥ
śrāntaṁ śayānaṁ kṣudhitaṁ
api — certainly; anātham — without being protected by anyone; vane — in the forest; brahman — my dear brāhmaṇa; mā — whether or not; sma — did not; adanti — devour; arbhakam — the helpless boy; vṛkāḥ — wolves; śrāntam — being fatigued; śayānam — lying down; kṣudhitam — being hungry; parimlāna — emaciated; mukha-ambujam — his face, which is just like a lotus flower.
My dear brāhmaṇa, the face of my son was just like a lotus flower. I am thinking of his precarious condition. He is unprotected, and he might be very hungry. He might have lain down somewhere in the forest, and the wolves might have attacked him to eat his body.
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