SB 4.6.52

देवानां भग्नगात्राणामृत्विजां चायुधाश्मभि: ।
भवतानुगृहीतानामाशु मन्योऽस्त्वनातुरम् ॥ ५२ ॥

devānāṁ bhagna-gātrāṇām
ṛtvijāṁ cāyudhāśmabhiḥ
āśu manyo ’stv anāturam


devānām — of the demigods; bhagna-gātrāṇām — whose limbs are badly broken; ṛtvijām — of the priests; ca — and; āyudha-aśmabhiḥ — by weapons and by stones; bhavatā — by you; anugṛhītānām — being favored; āśu — at once; manyo — O Lord Śiva (in an angry mood); astu — let there be; anāturam — recovery from injuries.


O Lord Śiva, may the demigods and the priests whose limbs have been broken by your soldiers recover from the injuries by your grace.

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