SB 4.6.34
उपास्यमानं सख्या च भर्त्रा गुह्यकरक्षसाम् ॥ ३४ ॥
sanandanādyair mahā-siddhaiḥ
śāntaiḥ saṁśānta-vigraham
upāsyamānaṁ sakhyā ca
bhartrā guhyaka-rakṣasām
sanandana-ādyaiḥ — the four Kumāras, headed by Sanandana; mahā-siddhaiḥ — liberated souls; śāntaiḥ — saintly; saṁśānta-vigraham — the grave and saintly Lord Śiva; upāsyamānam — was being praised; sakhyā — by Kuvera; ca — and; bhartrā — by the master; guhyaka-rakṣasām — of the Guhyakas and the Rākṣasas.
Lord Śiva sat there, surrounded by saintly persons like Kuvera, the master of the Guhyakas, and the four Kumāras, who were already liberated souls. Lord Śiva was grave and saintly.
The personalities sitting with Lord Śiva are significant because the four Kumāras were liberated from birth. It may be remembered that after their birth these Kumāras were requested by their father to get married and beget children in order to increase the population of the newly created universe. But they refused, and at that time Lord Brahmā was angry. In that angry mood, Rudra, or Lord Śiva, was born. Thus they were intimately related. Kuvera, the treasurer of the demigods, is fabulously rich. Thus Lord Śiva’s association with the Kumāras and Kuvera indicates that he has all transcendental and material opulences. Actually, he is the qualitative incarnation of the Supreme Lord; therefore his position is very exalted.
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