SB 4.5.22

आक्रम्योरसि दक्षस्य शितधारेण हेतिना ।
छिन्दन्नपि तदुद्धर्तुं नाशक्नोत् त्र्यम्बकस्तदा ॥ २२ ॥

ākramyorasi dakṣasya
śita-dhāreṇa hetinā
chindann api tad uddhartuṁ
nāśaknot tryambakas tadā


ākramya — having sat; urasi — on the chest; dakṣasya — of Dakṣa; śita-dhāreṇa — having a sharp blade; hetinā — with a weapon; chindan — cutting; api — even though; tat — that (head); uddhartum — to separate; na aśaknot — was not able; tri-ambakaḥ — Vīrabhadra (who had three eyes); tadā — after this.


Then Vīrabhadra, the giantlike personality, sat on the chest of Dakṣa and tried to separate his head from his body with sharp weapons, but was unsuccessful.

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