SB 4.2.20

विज्ञाय शापं गिरिशानुगाग्रणी-
र्नन्दीश्वरो रोषकषायदूषित: ।
दक्षाय शापं विससर्ज दारुणं
ये चान्वमोदंस्तदवाच्यतां द्विजा: ॥ २० ॥

vijñāya śāpaṁ giriśānugāgraṇīr
nandīśvaro roṣa-kaṣāya-dūṣitaḥ
dakṣāya śāpaṁ visasarja dāruṇaṁ
ye cānvamodaṁs tad-avācyatāṁ dvijāḥ


vijñāya — understanding; śāpam — the curse; giriśa — of Śiva; anuga-agraṇīḥ — one of the principal associates; nandīśvaraḥ — Nandīśvara; roṣa — anger; kaṣāya — red; dūṣitaḥ — blinded; dakṣāya — to Dakṣa; śāpam — a curse; visasarja — gave; dāruṇam — harsh; ye — who; ca — and; anvamodan — tolerated; tat-avācyatām — the cursing of Śiva; dvijāḥ — brāhmaṇas.


Upon understanding that Lord Śiva had been cursed, Nandīśvara, one of Lord Śiva’s principal associates, became greatly angry. His eyes became red, and he prepared to curse Dakṣa and all the brāhmaṇas present there who had tolerated Dakṣa’s cursing Śiva in harsh words.


There is a long-standing dissension among some of the neophyte Vaiṣṇavas and Śaivites; they are always at loggerheads. When Dakṣa cursed Lord Śiva in harsh words, some of the brāhmaṇas present might have enjoyed it because some brāhmaṇas do not very much admire Lord Śiva. This is due to their ignorance of Lord Śiva’s position. Nandīśvara was affected by the cursing, but he did not follow the example of Lord Śiva, who was also present there. Although Lord Śiva could also have cursed Dakṣa in a similar way, he was silent and tolerant; but Nandīśvara, his follower, was not tolerant. Of course, as a follower it was right for him not to tolerate an insult to his master, but he should not have cursed the brāhmaṇas who were present. The entire issue was so complicated that those who were not strong enough forgot their positions, and thus cursing and countercursing went on in that great assembly. In other words, the material field is so unsteady that even personalities like Nandīśvara, Dakṣa and many of the brāhmaṇas present were infected by the atmosphere of anger.

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