SB 4.13.6

मैत्रेय उवाच
ध्रुवस्य चोत्कल: पुत्र: पितरि प्रस्थिते वनम् ।
सार्वभौमश्रियं नैच्छदधिराजासनं पितु: ॥ ६ ॥

maitreya uvāca
dhruvasya cotkalaḥ putraḥ
pitari prasthite vanam
sārvabhauma-śriyaṁ naicchad
adhirājāsanaṁ pituḥ


maitreyaḥ uvāca — the great sage Maitreya said; dhruvasya — of Dhruva Mahārāja; ca — also; utkalaḥ — Utkala; putraḥ — son; pitari — after the father; prasthite — departed; vanam — for the forest; sārva-bhauma — including all lands; śriyam — opulence; na aicchat — did not desire; adhirāja — royal; āsanam — throne; pituḥ — of the father.


The great sage Maitreya replied: My dear Vidura, when Mahārāja Dhruva departed for the forest, his son, Utkala, did not desire to accept the opulent throne of his father, which was meant for the ruler of all the lands of this planet.

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