SB 4.13.12

स्वर्वीथिर्वत्सरस्येष्टा भार्यासूत षडात्मजान् ।
पुष्पार्णं तिग्मकेतुं च इषमूर्जं वसुं जयम् ॥ १२ ॥

svarvīthir vatsarasyeṣṭā
bhāryāsūta ṣaḍ-ātmajān
puṣpārṇaṁ tigmaketuṁ ca
iṣam ūrjaṁ vasuṁ jayam


svarvīthiḥ — Svarvīthi; vatsarasya — of King Vatsara; iṣṭā — very dear; bhāryā — wife; asūta — gave birth to; ṣaṭ — six; ātmajān — sons; puṣpārṇam — Puṣpārṇa; tigmaketum — Tigmaketu; ca — also; iṣam — Iṣa; ūrjam — Ūrja; vasum — Vasu; jayam — Jaya.


King Vatsara had a very dear wife whose name was Svarvīthi, and she gave birth to six sons, named Puṣpārṇa, Tigmaketu, Iṣa, Ūrja, Vasu and Jaya.


Vatsara’s wife is mentioned here as iṣṭā, which means “worshipable.” In other words, it appears that Vatsara’s wife had all good qualities; for example, she was always very faithful and obedient and affectionate to her husband. She had all good qualities for managing household affairs. If both the husband and wife are endowed with good qualities and live peacefully, then nice children take birth, and thus the whole family is happy and prosperous.

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