SB 4.1.58
लब्धावलोकैर्ययतुरर्चितौ गन्धमादनम् ॥ ५८ ॥
bhagavantāv abhiṣṭutau
labdhāvalokair yayatur
arcitau gandhamādanam
evam — thus; sura-gaṇaiḥ — by the demigods; tāta — O Vidura; bhagavantau — the Supreme Personality of Godhead; abhiṣṭutau — having been praised; labdha — having obtained; avalokaiḥ — the glance (of mercy); yayatuḥ — departed; arcitau — having been worshiped; gandha-mādanam — to the Gandhamādana Hill.
[Maitreya said:] O Vidura, thus the demigods worshiped with prayers the Supreme Personality of Godhead appearing as the sage Nara-Nārāyaṇa. The Lord glanced upon them with mercy and then departed for Gandhamādana Hill.
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