SB 4.1.23
तत्प्रादुर्भावसंयोगविद्योतितमना मुनि: ।
उत्तिष्ठन्नेकपादेन ददर्श विबुधर्षभान् ॥ २३ ॥
उत्तिष्ठन्नेकपादेन ददर्श विबुधर्षभान् ॥ २३ ॥
vidyotita-manā muniḥ
uttiṣṭhann eka-pādena
dadarśa vibudharṣabhān
vidyotita-manā muniḥ
uttiṣṭhann eka-pādena
dadarśa vibudharṣabhān
tat — their; prādurbhāva — appearance; saṁyoga — simultaneously; vidyotita — enlightened; manāḥ — in the mind; muniḥ — the great sage; uttiṣṭhan — being awakened; eka-pādena — even on one leg; dadarśa — saw; vibudha — demigods; ṛṣabhān — the great personalities.
The sage was standing on one leg, but as soon as he saw that the three deities had appeared before him, he was so pleased to see them all together that despite great difficulty he approached them on one leg.
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