SB 12.9.27
सोऽन्त: शरीरं मशको यथाविशत् ।
तत्राप्यदो न्यस्तमचष्ट कृत्स्नशो
यथा पुरामुह्यदतीव विस्मित: ॥ २७ ॥
tāvac chiśor vai śvasitena bhārgavaḥ
so ’ntaḥ śarīraṁ maśako yathāviśat
tatrāpy ado nyastam acaṣṭa kṛtsnaśo
yathā purāmuhyad atīva vismitaḥ
tāvat — at that very moment; śiśoḥ — of the infant; vai — indeed; śvasitena — with the breathing; bhārgavaḥ — the descendant of Bhṛgu; saḥ — he; antaḥ śarīram — within the body; maśakaḥ — a mosquito; yathā — just like; aviśat — entered; tatra — therein; api — indeed; adaḥ — this universe; nyastam — placed; acaṣṭa — he saw; kṛtsnaśaḥ — entire; yathā — as; purā — previously; amuhyat — he became bewildered; atīva — extremely; vismitaḥ — surprised.
Just then the child inhaled, drawing Mārkaṇḍeya within His body like a mosquito. There the sage found the entire universe arrayed as it had been before its dissolution. Seeing this, Mārkaṇḍeya was most astonished and perplexed.
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