SB 12.7.1
अथर्ववित्सुमन्तुश्च शिष्यमध्यापयत् स्वकाम् ।
संहितां सोऽपि पथ्याय वेददर्शाय चोक्तवान् ॥ १ ॥
atharva-vit sumantuś ca
śiṣyam adhyāpayat svakām
saṁhitāṁ so ’pi pathyāya
vedadarśāya coktavān
sūtaḥ uvāca — Sūta Gosvāmī said; atharva-vit — the expert knower of the Atharva Veda; sumantuḥ — Sumantu; ca — and; śiṣyam — to his disciple; adhyāpayat — instructed; svakām — his own; saṁhitām — collection; saḥ — he, the disciple of Sumantu; api — also; pathyāya — to Pathya; vedadarśāya — to Vedadarśa; ca — and; uktavān — spoke.
Sūta Gosvāmī said: Sumantu Ṛṣi, the authority on the Atharva Veda, taught his saṁhitā to his disciple Kabandha, who in turn spoke it to Pathya and Vedadarśa.
As confirmed in the Viṣṇu Purāṇa:
sumantur amita-dyutiḥ
śiṣyam adhyāpayām āsa
kabandhaṁ so ’pi ca dvidhā
kṛtvā tu vedadarśāya
tathā pathyāya dattavān
“That sage Sumantu, whose brilliance was immeasurable, taught the Atharva Veda to his disciple Kabandha. Kabandha in turn divided it into two parts and passed them down to Vedadarśa and Pathya.”
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