SB 12.5.5
एवं देहे मृते जीवो ब्रह्म सम्पद्यते पुन: ॥ ५ ॥
ākāśaḥ syād yathā purā
evaṁ dehe mṛte jīvo
brahma sampadyate punaḥ
ghaṭe — a pot; bhinne — when it is broken; ghaṭa-ākāśaḥ — the sky within the pot; ākāśaḥ — sky; syāt — remains; yathā — as; purā — previously; evam — similarly; dehe — the body; mṛte — when it is given up, in the liberated condition; jīvaḥ — the individual soul; brahma — his spiritual status; sampadyate — attains; punaḥ — once again.
When a pot is broken, the portion of sky within the pot remains as the element sky, just as before. In the same way, when the gross and subtle bodies die, the living entity within resumes his spiritual identity.
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