SB 12.4.27
विनार्थेन प्रतीयेरन् पटस्येवाङ्ग तन्तव: ॥ २७ ॥
sarvāvayavinām iha
vinārthena pratīyeran
paṭasyevāṅga tantavaḥ
satyam — real; hi — because; avayavaḥ — the ingredient cause; proktaḥ — is said to be; sarva-avayavinām — of all constituted entities; iha — in this created world; vinā — apart from; arthena — their manifest product; pratīyeran — they can be perceived; paṭasya — of a cloth; iva — as; aṅga — my dear King; tantavaḥ — the threads.
My dear King, it is stated [in the Vedānta-sūtra] that the ingredient cause that constitutes any manifested product in this universe can be perceived as a separate reality, just as the threads that make up a cloth can be perceived separately from their product.
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