SB 12.4.10
दह्यमानं विभात्यण्डं दग्धगोमयपिण्डवत् ॥ १० ॥
upary adhaḥ samantāc ca
śikhābhir vahni-sūryayoḥ
dahyamānaṁ vibhāty aṇḍaṁ
upari — above; adhaḥ — and below; samantāt — in all directions; ca — and; śikhābhiḥ — with the flames; vahni — of the fire; sūryayoḥ — and of the sun; dahyamānam — being burned; vibhāti — glows; aṇḍam — the egg of the universe; dagdha — burned; go-maya — of cow dung; piṇḍa-vat — like a ball.
Burned from all sides — from above by the blazing sun and from below by the fire of Lord Saṅkarṣaṇa — the universal sphere will glow like a burning ball of cow dung.
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