SB 12.2.39
कृतं त्रेता द्वापरं च कलिश्चेति चतुर्युगम् ।
अनेन क्रमयोगेन भुवि प्राणिषु वर्तते ॥ ३९ ॥
अनेन क्रमयोगेन भुवि प्राणिषु वर्तते ॥ ३९ ॥
kṛtaṁ tretā dvāparaṁ ca
kaliś ceti catur-yugam
anena krama-yogena
bhuvi prāṇiṣu vartate
kaliś ceti catur-yugam
anena krama-yogena
bhuvi prāṇiṣu vartate
kṛtam — Satya-yuga; tretā — Tretā-yuga; dvāparam — Dvāpara-yuga; ca — and; kaliḥ — Kali-yuga; ca — and; iti — thus; catuḥ-yugam — the cycle of four ages; anena — by this; krama — sequential; yogena — pattern; bhuvi — in this world; prāṇiṣu — among living beings; vartate — goes on continuously.
The cycle of four ages — Satya, Tretā, Dvāpara and Kali — continues perpetually among living beings on this earth, repeating the same general sequence of events.
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