SB 12.2.25

येऽतीता वर्तमाना ये भविष्यन्ति च पार्थिवा: ।
ते त उद्देशत: प्रोक्ता वंशीया: सोमसूर्ययो: ॥ २५ ॥
ye ’tītā vartamānā ye
bhaviṣyanti ca pārthivāḥ
te ta uddeśataḥ proktā
vaṁśīyāḥ soma-sūryayoḥ


ye — those who; atītāḥ — past; vartamānāḥ — present; ye — who; bhaviṣyanti — will be in the future; ca — and; pārthivāḥ — kings of the earth; te te — all of them; uddeśataḥ — by brief mention; proktāḥ — described; vaṁśīyāḥ — the members of the dynasties; soma-sūryayoḥ — of the sun-god and the moon-god.


Thus I have described all the kings — past, present and future — who belong to the dynasties of the sun and the moon.

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