SB 12.2.22

तेषां प्रजाविसर्गश्च स्थविष्ठ: सम्भविष्यति ।
वासुदेवे भगवति सत्त्वमूर्तौ हृदि स्थिते ॥ २२ ॥
teṣāṁ prajā-visargaś ca
sthaviṣṭhaḥ sambhaviṣyati
vāsudeve bhagavati
sattva-mūrtau hṛdi sthite


teṣām — of them; prajā — of progeny; visargaḥ — the creation; ca — and; sthaviṣṭhaḥ — abundant; sambhaviṣyati — will be; vāsudeve — Lord Vāsudeva; bhagavati — the Supreme Personality of Godhead; sattva-mūrtau — in His transcendental form of pure goodness; hṛdi — in their hearts; sthite — when He is situated.


When Lord Vāsudeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, appears in their hearts in His transcendental form of goodness, the remaining citizens will abundantly repopulate the earth.

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