SB 12.2.17

चराचरगुरोर्विष्णोरीश्वरस्याखिलात्मन: ।
धर्मत्राणाय साधूनां जन्म कर्मापनुत्तये ॥ १७ ॥
carācara-guror viṣṇor
dharma-trāṇāya sādhūnāṁ
janma karmāpanuttaye


cara-acara — of all moving and nonmoving living beings; guroḥ — of the spiritual master; viṣṇoḥ — the Supreme Lord, Viṣṇu; īśvarasya — the Supreme Personality of Godhead; akhila — of all; ātmanaḥ — of the Supreme Soul; dharma-trāṇāya — for the protection of religion; sādhūnām — of saintly men; janma — the birth; karma — of their fruitive activities; apanuttaye — for the cessation.


Lord Viṣṇu — the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the spiritual master of all moving and nonmoving living beings, and the Supreme Soul of all — takes birth to protect the principles of religion and to relieve His saintly devotees from the reactions of material work.

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