SB 12.12.64
पुराणसंहितामेतामधीत्य प्रयतो द्विज: ।
प्रोक्तं भगवता यत्तु तत्पदं परमं व्रजेत् ॥ ६४ ॥
प्रोक्तं भगवता यत्तु तत्पदं परमं व्रजेत् ॥ ६४ ॥
purāṇa-saṁhitām etām
adhītya prayato dvijaḥ
proktaṁ bhagavatā yat tu
tat padaṁ paramaṁ vrajet
adhītya prayato dvijaḥ
proktaṁ bhagavatā yat tu
tat padaṁ paramaṁ vrajet
purāṇa-saṁhitām — essential compilation of all the Purāṇas; etām — this; adhītya — studying; prayataḥ — carefully; dvijaḥ — a brāhmaṇa; proktam — described; bhagavatā — by the Personality of Godhead; yat — which; tu — indeed; tat — that; padam — position; paramam — supreme; vrajet — he attains.
A brāhmaṇa who diligently reads this essential compilation of all the Purāṇas will go to the supreme destination, which the Supreme Lord Himself has herein described.
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