SB 12.12.38

आदानं पारिजातस्य सुधर्माया: सुरालयात् ।
रुक्‍मिण्या हरणं युद्धे प्रमथ्य द्विषतो हरे: ॥ ३८ ॥

ādānaṁ pārijātasya
sudharmāyāḥ surālayāt
rukmiṇyā haraṇaṁ yuddhe
pramathya dviṣato hareḥ


ādānam — the receiving; pārijātasya — of the pārijāta tree; sudharmāyāḥ — of the Sudharmā assembly hall; sura-ālayāt — from the abode of the demigods; rukmiṇyāḥ — of Rukmiṇī; haraṇam — the kidnapping; yuddhe — in battle; pramathya — defeating; dviṣataḥ — His rivals; hareḥ — by Lord Hari.


This work also describes how Lord Kṛṣṇa brought from heaven the pārijāta tree and the Sudharmā assembly hall, and how He kidnapped Rukmiṇī by defeating all His rivals in battle.

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