SB 12.12.21

देवासुरमहायुद्धं राजवंशानुकीर्तनम् ।
इक्ष्वाकुजन्म तद्वंश: सुद्युम्नस्य महात्मन: ॥ २१ ॥
ikṣvāku-janma tad-vaṁśaḥ
sudyumnasya mahātmanaḥ


deva-asura — of the demigods and demons; mahā-yuddham — the great war; rāja-vaṁśa — of the dynasties of kings; anukīrtanam — the reciting in sequence; ikṣvāku-janma — the birth of Ikṣvāku; tat-vaṁśaḥ — his dynasty; sudyamnasya — (and the dynasty) of Sudyumna; mahā-ātmanaḥ — the great soul.


An account of the great battle fought between the demigods and the demons, a systematic description of the dynasties of various kings, and narrations concerning Ikṣvāku’s birth, his dynasty and the dynasty of the pious Sudyumna — all are presented within this literature.

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