SB 12.11.36
शुक्रश्चित्रस्वनश्चैव शुचिमासं नयन्त्यमी ॥ ३६ ॥
vasiṣṭho varuṇo rambhā
sahajanyas tathā huhūḥ
śukraś citrasvanaś caiva
śuci-māsaṁ nayanty amī
vasiṣṭhaḥ varuṇaḥ rambhā — Vasiṣṭha, Varuṇa and Rambhā; sahajanyaḥ — Sahajanya; tathā — also; huhūḥ — Hūhū; śukraḥ citrasvanaḥ — Śukra and Citrasvana; ca eva — as well; śuci-māsam — the month of Śuci (Āṣāḍha); nayanti — rule; amī — these.
Vasiṣṭha as the sage, Varuṇa as the sun-god, Rambhā as the Apsarā, Sahajanya as the Rākṣasa, Hūhū as the Gandharva, Śukra as the Nāga and Citrasvana as the Yakṣa rule the month of Śuci.
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