SB 12.11.35
रथस्वन इति ह्येते शुक्रमासं नयन्त्यमी ॥ ३५ ॥
mitro ’triḥ pauruṣeyo ’tha
takṣako menakā hahāḥ
rathasvana iti hy ete
śukra-māsaṁ nayanty amī
mitraḥ atriḥ pauruṣeyaḥ — Mitra, Atri and Pauruṣeya; atha — as well; takṣakaḥ menakā hahāḥ — Takṣaka, Menakā and Hāhā; rathasvanaḥ — Rathasvana; iti — thus; hi — indeed; ete — these; śukra-māsam — the month of Śukra (Jyaiṣṭha); nayanti — rule; amī — these.
Mitra as the sun-god, Atri as the sage, Pauruṣeya as the Rākṣasa, Takṣaka as the Nāga, Menakā as the Apsarā, Hāhā as the Gandharva and Rathasvana as the Yakṣa rule the month of Śukra.
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