SB 12.11.33

धाता कृतस्थली हेतिर्वासुकी रथकृन्मुने ।
पुलस्त्यस्तुम्बुरुरिति मधुमासं नयन्त्यमी ॥ ३३ ॥

dhātā kṛtasthalī hetir
vāsukī rathakṛn mune
pulastyas tumburur iti
madhu-māsaṁ nayanty amī


dhātā kṛtasthalī hetiḥ — Dhātā, Kṛtasthalī and Heti; vāsukiḥ rathakṛt — Vāsuki and Rathakṛt; mune — O sage; pulastyaḥ tumburuḥ — Pulastya and Tumburu; iti — thus; madhu-māsam — the month of Madhu (Caitra, at the time of the spring equinox); nayanti — lead forth; amī — these.


My dear sage, Dhātā as the sun-god, Kṛtasthalī as the Apsarā, Heti as the Rākṣasa, Vāsuki as the Nāga, Rathakṛt as the Yakṣa, Pulastya as the sage and Tumburu as the Gandharva rule the month of Madhu.

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