SB 12.11.26
तच्चित्त: प्रयतो जप्त्वा ब्रह्म वेद गुहाशयम् ॥ २६ ॥
tac-cittaḥ prayato japtvā
brahma veda guhāśayam
yaḥ — anyone who; idam — this; kalye — at dawn; utthāya — rising; mahā-puruṣa-lakṣaṇam — the characteristics of the Supreme Personality in His universal form; tat-cittaḥ — with mind absorbed in Him; prayataḥ — purified; japtvā — chanting to oneself; brahma — the Absolute Truth; veda — he comes to know; guhā-śayam — situated within the heart.
Anyone who rises early in the morning and, with a purified mind fixed upon the Mahāpuruṣa, quietly chants this description of His characteristics will realize Him as the Supreme Absolute Truth residing within the heart.
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