SB 12.11.18

भगवान् भगशब्दार्थं लीलाकमलमुद्वहन् ।
धर्मं यशश्च भगवांश्चामरव्यजनेऽभजत् ॥ १८ ॥
bhagavān bhaga-śabdārthaṁ
līlā-kamalam udvahan
dharmaṁ yaśaś ca bhagavāṁś
cāmara-vyajane ’bhajat


bhagavān — the Personality of Godhead; bhaga-śabda — of the word bhaga; artham — the meaning (namely, “opulence”); līlā-kamalam — His pastime lotus; udvahan — carrying; dharmam — religion; yaśaḥ — fame; ca — and; bhagavān — the Personality of Godhead; cāmara-vyajane — the pair of yak-tail fans; abhajat — has accepted.


Playfully carrying a lotus, which represents the various opulences designated by the word bhaga, the Supreme Lord accepts service from a pair of cāmara fans, which are religion and fame.

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