SB 12.11.11-12
वासश्छन्दोमयं पीतं ब्रह्मसूत्रं त्रिवृत् स्वरम् ॥ ११ ॥
बिभर्ति साङ्ख्यं योगं च देवो मकरकुण्डले ।
मौलिं पदं पारमेष्ठ्यं सर्वलोकाभयङ्करम् ॥ १२ ॥
nānā-guṇa-mayīṁ dadhat
vāsaś chando-mayaṁ pītaṁ
brahma-sūtraṁ tri-vṛt svaram
devo makara-kuṇḍale
mauliṁ padaṁ pārameṣṭhyaṁ
sva-māyām — His own material energy; vana-mālā-ākhyām — represented as His flower garland; nānā-guṇa — various combinations of the modes of nature; mayīm — composed of; dadhat — wearing; vāsaḥ — His garment; chandaḥ-mayam — consisting of the Vedic meters; pītam — yellow; brahma-sūtram — His sacred thread; tri-vṛt — threefold; svaram — the sacred sound oṁkāra; bibharti — He carries; sāṅkhyam — the process of Sāṅkhya; yogam — the process of yoga; ca — and; devaḥ — the Lord; makara-kuṇḍale — His shark-shaped earrings; maulim — His crown; padam — the position; pārameṣṭhyam — supreme (of Lord Brahmā); sarva-loka — to all the worlds; abhayam — fearlessness; karam — which gives.
His flower garland is His material energy, comprising various combinations of the modes of nature. His yellow garment is the Vedic meters, and His sacred thread the syllable om composed of three sounds. In the form of His two shark-shaped earrings, the Lord carries the processes of Sāṅkhya and yoga, and His crown, bestowing fearlessness on the inhabitants of all the worlds, is the supreme position of Brahmaloka.
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