SB 12.11.10

कौस्तुभव्यपदेशेन स्वात्मज्योतिर्बिभर्त्यज: ।
तत्प्रभा व्यापिनी साक्षात् श्रीवत्समुरसा विभु: ॥ १० ॥
svātma-jyotir bibharty ajaḥ
tat-prabhā vyāpinī sākṣāt
śrīvatsam urasā vibhuḥ


kaustubha-vyapadeśena — represented by the Kaustubha gem; sva-ātma — of the pure jīva soul; jyotiḥ — the spiritual light; bibharti — carries; ajaḥ — the unborn Lord; tat-prabhā — the effulgence of this (Kaustubha); vyāpinī — expansive; sākṣāt — directly; śrīvatsam — of the Śrīvatsa mark; urasā — upon His chest; vibhuḥ — the almighty.


Upon His chest the almighty, unborn Personality of Godhead bears the Kaustubha gem, which represents the pure spirit soul, along with the Śrīvatsa mark, which is the direct manifestation of this gem’s expansive effulgence.

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