SB 12.11.1

श्रीशौनक उवाच
अथेममर्थं पृच्छामो भवन्तं बहुवित्तमम् ।
समस्ततन्त्रराद्धान्ते भवान् भागवत तत्त्ववित् ॥ १ ॥
śrī-śaunaka uvāca
athemam arthaṁ pṛcchāmo
bhavantaṁ bahu-vittamam
bhavān bhāgavata tattva-vit


śrī-śaunakaḥ uvāca — Śrī Śaunaka said; atha — now; imam — this; artham — matter; pṛcchāmaḥ — we are inquiring about; bhavantam — from you; bahu-vit-tamam — the possessor of the broadest knowledge; samasta — of all; tantra — the scriptures prescribing practical methods of worship; rāddha-ante — in the definitive conclusions; bhavān — you; bhāgavata — O great devotee of the Supreme Lord; tattva-vit — the knower of the essential facts.


Śrī Śaunaka said: O Sūta, you are the best of learned men and a great devotee of the Supreme Lord. Therefore we now inquire from you about the definitive conclusion of all tantra scriptures.

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