SB 12.10.29

धर्मं ग्राहयितुं प्राय: प्रवक्तारश्च देहिनाम् ।
आचरन्त्यनुमोदन्ते क्रियमाणं स्तुवन्ति च ॥ २९ ॥
dharmaṁ grāhayituṁ prāyaḥ
pravaktāraś ca dehinām
ācaranty anumodante
kriyamāṇaṁ stuvanti ca


dharmam — religion; grāhayitum — to cause the acceptance of; prāyaḥ — for the most part; pravaktāraḥ — the authorized speakers; ca — and; dehinām — for ordinary embodied souls; ācaranti — they act; anumodante — they encourage; kriyamāṇam — one who is executing; stuvanti — they praise; ca — also.


Generally it is to induce embodied souls to accept religious principles that the authorized teachers of religion exhibit ideal behavior while encouraging and praising the proper behavior of others.

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