SB 11.5.9

श्रिया विभूत्याभिजनेन विद्यया
त्यागेन रूपेण बलेन कर्मणा ।
जातस्मयेनान्धधिय: सहेश्वरान्
सतोऽवमन्यन्ति हरिप्रियान् खला: ॥ ९ ॥
śriyā vibhūtyābhijanena vidyayā
tyāgena rūpeṇa balena karmaṇā
jāta-smayenāndha-dhiyaḥ saheśvarān
sato ’vamanyanti hari-priyān khalāḥ


śriyā — by their opulence (wealth, etc.); vibhūtyā — special abilities; abhijanena — aristocratic heritage; vidyayā — education; tyāgena — renunciation; rūpeṇa — beauty; balena — strength; karmaṇā — performance of Vedic rituals; jāta — which is born; smayena — by such pride; andha — blinded; dhiyaḥ — whose intelligence; saha-īśvarān — along with the Supreme Lord Himself; sataḥ — the saintly devotees; avamanyanti — they disrespect; hari-priyān — who are very dear to Lord Hari; khalāḥ — cruel persons.


The intelligence of cruel-minded persons is blinded by false pride based on great wealth, opulence, prestigious family connections, education, renunciation, personal beauty, physical strength and successful performance of Vedic rituals. Being intoxicated with this false pride, such cruel persons blaspheme the Supreme Personality of Godhead and His devotees.


The attractive qualities exhibited by the conditioned soul originally belong to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is the reservoir of all attractive qualities. The moonshine is actually the reflected effulgence of the sun. Similarly, the living entity reflects for a brief time a particular quantity of the Lord’s opulences. Not knowing this, atheistic persons become intoxicated by such reflected opulences, and thus blinded, they condemn themselves more and more by criticizing the Lord and His devotees. They are unable to understand how they have become abominable, and it is difficult to prevent them from going to hell.

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