SB 11.5.44

ततोऽन्तर्दधिरे सिद्धा: सर्वलोकस्य पश्यत: ।
राजा धर्मानुपातिष्ठन्नवाप परमां गतिम् ॥ ४४ ॥
tato ’ntardadhire siddhāḥ
sarva-lokasya paśyataḥ
rājā dharmān upātiṣṭhann
avāpa paramāṁ gatim


tataḥ — then; antardadhire — they disappeared; siddhāḥ — the perfect sages headed by Kavi; sarva-lokasya — all those present; paśyataḥ — as they were watching; rājā — the King; dharmān — these principles of spiritual life; upātiṣṭhan — faithfully following; avāpa — he achieved; paramām — the supreme; gatim — destination.


The perfect sages then disappeared before the eyes of everyone present. King Nimi faithfully practiced the principles of spiritual life he had learned from them, and thus he achieved the supreme goal of life.

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