SB 11.5.22
यजन्ति तपसा देवं शमेन च दमेन च ॥ २२ ॥
nirvairāḥ suhṛdaḥ samāḥ
yajanti tapasā devaṁ
śamena ca damena ca
manuṣyāḥ — human beings; tu — and; tadā — then; śāntāḥ — peaceful; nirvairāḥ — free from envy; suhṛdaḥ — friendly to all; samāḥ — equipoised; yajanti — they worship; tapasā — by the austerity of meditation; devam — the Supreme Personality of Godhead; śamena — by controlling the mind; ca — also; damena — by controlling the external senses; ca — and.
People in Satya-yuga are peaceful, nonenvious, friendly to every creature and steady in all situations. They worship the Supreme Personality by austere meditation and by internal and external sense control.
In Satya-yuga the Supreme Lord incarnates as a four-armed brahmacārī described in the previous verse and personally introduces the process of meditation.
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