SB 11.5.20
कृतं त्रेता द्वापरं च कलिरित्येषु केशव: ।
नानावर्णाभिधाकारो नानैव विधिनेज्यते ॥ २० ॥
kṛtaṁ tretā dvāparaṁ ca
kalir ity eṣu keśavaḥ
nānaiva vidhinejyate
śrī-karabhājanaḥ uvāca — Śrī Karabhājana said; kṛtam — Satya; tretā — Tretā; dvāparam — Dvāpara; ca — and; kaliḥ — Kali; iti — thus named; eṣu — in these ages; keśavaḥ — the Supreme Lord, Keśava; nānā — various; varṇa — having complexions; abhidhā — names; ākāraḥ — and forms; nānā — various; eva — similarly; vidhinā — by processes; ijyate — is worshiped.
Śrī Karabhājana replied: In each of the four yugas, or ages — Kṛta, Tretā, Dvāpara and Kali — Lord Keśava appears with various complexions, names and forms and is thus worshiped by various processes.
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