SB 11.3.55

एवमग्‍न्यर्कतोयादावतिथौ हृदये च य: ।
यजतीश्वरमात्मानमचिरान्मुच्यते हि स: ॥ ५५ ॥
evam agny-arka-toyādāv
atithau hṛdaye ca yaḥ
yajatīśvaram ātmānam
acirān mucyate hi saḥ


evam — thus; agni — in fire; arka — the sun; toya — water; ādau — and so on; atithau — in the guest at ones’s home; hṛdaye — in one’s heart; ca — also; yaḥ — who; yajati — worships; īśvaram — the Supreme Personality of Godhead; ātmānam — the Supreme Soul; acirāt — without delay; mucyate — becomes liberated; hi — indeed; saḥ — he.


Thus the worshiper of the Supreme Lord should recognize that the Personality of Godhead is all-pervading and should worship Him through His presence in fire, the sun, water and other elements, in the heart of the guest one receives in one’s home, and also in one’s own heart. In this way the worshiper will very soon achieve liberation.


Thus end the purports of the humble servants of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda to the Eleventh Canto, Third Chapter, of the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, entitled “Liberation from the Illusory Energy.”

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