SB 11.3.10

पातालतलमारभ्य सङ्कर्षणमुखानल: ।
दहन्नूर्ध्वशिखो विष्वग्वर्धते वायुनेरित: ॥ १० ॥

pātāla-talam ārabhya
dahann ūrdhva-śikho viṣvag
vardhate vāyuneritaḥ


pātāla-talam — the planet Pātāla; ārabhya — beginning from; saṅkarṣaṇa-mukha — from the mouth of the Supreme Lord in His form as Saṅkarṣaṇa; analaḥ — the fire; dahan — burning; ūrdhva-śikhaḥ — its flame going upward; viṣvak — all the directions; vardhate — grows; vāyunā — by winds; īritaḥ — impelled.


Beginning from Pātālaloka, a fire grows, emanating from the mouth of Lord Saṅkarṣaṇa. Its flames shooting upward, driven by great winds, it scorches everything in all directions.

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