SB 11.23.13

तस्यैवं ध्यायतो दीर्घं नष्टरायस्तपस्विन: ।
खिद्यतो बाष्पकण्ठस्य निर्वेद: सुमहानभूत् ॥ १३ ॥
tasyaivaṁ dhyāyato dīrghaṁ
naṣṭa-rāyas tapasvinaḥ
khidyato bāṣpa-kaṇṭhasya
nirvedaḥ su-mahān abhūt


tasya — of him; evam — thus; dhyāyataḥ — thinking; dīrgham — for a long time; naṣṭa-rāyaḥ — his wealth lost; tapasvinaḥ — experiencing agony; khidyataḥ — lamenting; bāṣpa-kaṇṭhasya — his throat choked with tears; nirvedaḥ — a sense of renunciation; su-mahān — very great; abhūt — arose.


Having lost all his wealth, he felt great pain and lamentation. His throat choked up with tears, and he meditated for a long time on his fortune. Then a powerful feeling of renunciation came over him.


The brāhmaṇa had previously been trained in pious life, but his past goodness was covered by his offensive behavior. Finally, his previous purity was reawakened within him.

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