SB 11.23.12

स एवं द्रविणे नष्टे धर्मकामविवर्जित: ।
उपेक्षितश्च स्वजनैश्चिन्तामाप दुरत्ययाम् ॥ १२ ॥
sa evaṁ draviṇe naṣṭe
upekṣitaś ca sva-janaiś
cintām āpa duratyayām


saḥ — he; evam — thus; draviṇe — when his property; naṣṭe — was lost; dharma — religiosity; kāma — and sense enjoyment; vivarjitaḥ — devoid of; upekṣitaḥ — neglected; ca — and; sva-janaiḥ — by his family members; cintām — anxiety; āpa — he obtained; duratyayām — insurmountable.


Finally, when his property was completely lost, he who never engaged in religiosity or sense enjoyment became ignored by his family members. Thus he began to feel unbearable anxiety.

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