SB 11.18.7
न तु श्रौतेन पशुना मां यजेत वनाश्रमी ॥ ७ ॥
nirvapet kāla-coditān
na tu śrautena paśunā
māṁ yajeta vanāśramī
vanyaiḥ — obtained in the forest; caru — with oblations of rice, barley and dāl beans; puroḍāśaiḥ — and sacrificial cakes prepared with wild rice; nirvapet — one should offer; kāla-coditān — ritualistic sacrifices, such as āgrayaṇa, offered according to seasons (āgrayaṇa is the offering of the first fruits that appear after the rainy season); na — never; tu — indeed; śrautena — mentioned in the Vedas; paśunā — with animal sacrifice; mām — Me; yajeta — may worship; vana-āśramī — one who has gone to the forest, taking the vānaprastha order of life.
One who has accepted the vānaprastha order of life should perform seasonal sacrifices by offering oblations of caru and sacrificial cakes prepared from rice and other grains found in the forest. The vānaprastha, however, may never offer animal sacrifices to Me, even those sacrifices mentioned in the Vedas.
One who has taken the vānaprastha order of life should never perform animal sacrifices or eat meat.
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