SB 11.18.48
यथा स्वधर्मसंयुक्तो भक्तो मां समियात् परम् ॥ ४८ ॥
bhavān pṛcchati yac ca mām
yathā sva-dharma-saṁyukto
bhakto māṁ samiyāt param
etat — this; te — unto you; abhihitam — described; sādho — O saintly Uddhava; bhavān — you; pṛcchati — have asked; yat — which; ca — and; mām — from Me; yathā — the means by which; sva-dharma — in one’s prescribed duty; saṁyuktaḥ — perfectly engaged; bhaktaḥ — being a devotee; mām — to Me; samiyāt — one may come; param — the Supreme.
My dear saintly Uddhava, I have now described to you, just as you inquired, the means by which My devotee, perfectly engaged in his prescribed duty, can come back to Me, the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
My dear saintly Uddhava, I have now described to you, just as you inquired, the means by which My devotee, perfectly engaged in his prescribed duty, can come back to Me, the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
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