SB 11.18.3
केशरोमनखश्मश्रुमलानि बिभृयाद् दत: ।
न धावेदप्सु मज्जेत त्रिकालं स्थण्डिलेशय: ॥ ३ ॥
malāni bibhṛyād dataḥ
na dhāved apsu majjeta
tri kālaṁ sthaṇḍile-śayaḥ
keśa — hair on the head; roma — bodily hair; nakha — fingernails and toenails; śmaśru — facial hair; malāni — bodily waste products; bibhṛyāt — one should tolerate; dataḥ — the teeth; na dhāvet — should not clean; apsu — in water; majjeta — should bathe; tri-kālam — three times a day; sthaṇḍile — on the earth; śayaḥ — lying down.
The vānaprastha should not groom the hair on his head, body or face, should not manicure his nails, should not pass stool and urine at irregular times and should not make a special endeavor for dental hygiene. He should be content to take bath in water three times daily and should sleep on the ground.
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