SB 11.18.14
विघ्नान् कुर्वन्त्ययं ह्यस्मानाक्रम्य समियात् परम् ॥ १४ ॥
viprasya vai sannyasato
devā dārādi-rūpiṇaḥ
vighnān kurvanty ayaṁ hy asmān
ākramya samiyāt param
viprasya — of the saintly person; vai — indeed; sannyasataḥ — taking sannyāsa; devāḥ — the demigods; dāra-ādi-rūpiṇaḥ — appearing in the form of his wife or other women and attractive objects; vighnān — stumbling blocks; kurvanti — create; ayam — the sannyāsī; hi — indeed; asmān — them, the demigods; ākramya — surpassing; samiyāt — should go; param — back home, back to Godhead.
“This man taking sannyāsa is going to surpass us and go back home, back to Godhead.” Thus thinking, the demigods create stumbling blocks on the path of the sannyāsī by appearing before him in the shape of his former wife or other women and attractive objects. But the sannyāsī should pay the demigods and their manifestations no heed.
The demigods are empowered with universal administration and by their potency may appear as the former wife of a sannyāsī or as other women, so that the sannyāsī gives up his strict vows and becomes entangled in sense gratification. Lord Kṛṣṇa here encourages all sannyāsīs by telling them, “Pay no attention to such illusory manifestations. Continue your duties and go back home, back to Godhead.”
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