SB 10.71.19

राजदूतमुवाचेदं भगवान् प्रीणयन् गिरा ।
मा भैष्ट दूत भद्रं वो घातयिष्यामि मागधम् ॥ १९ ॥
rāja-dūtam uvācedaṁ
bhagavān prīṇayan girā
mā bhaiṣṭa dūta bhadraṁ vo
ghātayiṣyāmi māgadham


rāja — of the kings; dūtam — to the messenger; uvāca — He said; idam — this; bhagavān — the Supreme Lord; prīṇayan — pleasing him; girā — with His word s; mā bhaiṣṭa — do not fear; dūta — O messenger; bhadram — may there be all good; vaḥ — for you; ghāṭayiṣyāmi — I shall arrange for the killing; māgadham — of the King of Magadha (Jarāsandha).


With pleasing words the Lord addressed the messenger sent by the kings: “My dear messenger, I wish all good fortune to you. I shall arrange for the killing of King Magadha. Do not fear.”


The statement ma bhaiṣṭa, “do not fear,” is in the plural, being intended for both the messenger and the kings. Similarly, the expression bhadraṁ vaḥ, “blessings unto you,” is also in the plural, expressing a similar intent.

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