SB 10.71.17
र्वरायुधाभरणकिरीटवर्मभि: ।
दिवांशुभिस्तुमुलरवं बभौ रवे-
र्यथार्णव: क्षुभिततिमिङ्गिलोर्मिभि: ॥ १७ ॥
divāṁśubhis tumula-ravaṁ babhau raver
yathārṇavaḥ kṣubhita-timiṅgilormibhiḥ
balam — the army; bṛhat — huge; dhvaja — with flagpoles; paṭa — banners; chatra — umbrellas; cāmaraiḥ — and yak-tail fans; vara — excellent; āyudha — with weapons; ābharaṇa — jewelry; kirīṭa — helmets; varmabhiḥ — and armor; divā — during the day; aṁśubhiḥ — by the rays; tumula — tumultuous; ravam — whose sound; babhau — shone brilliantly; raveḥ — of the sun; yathā — like; arṇavaḥ — an ocean; kṣubhita — agitated; timiṅgila — whose timiṅgila fish; ūrmibhiḥ — and waves.
The Lord’s army boasted royal umbrellas, cāmara fans and huge flagpoles with waving banners. During the day the sun’s rays reflected brightly from the soldiers’ fine weapons, jewelry, helmets and armor. Thus Lord Kṛṣṇa’s army, noisy with shouts and clatter, appeared like an ocean stirring with agitated waves and timiṅgila fish.
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