SB 10.59.11

व्यसु: पपाताम्भसि कृत्तशीर्षो
निकृत्तश‍ृङ्गोऽद्रिरिवेन्द्रतेजसा ।
तस्यात्मजा: सप्त पितुर्वधातुरा:
प्रतिक्रियामर्षजुष: समुद्यता: ॥ ११ ॥
vyasuḥ papātāmbhasi kṛtta-śīrṣo
nikṛtta-śṛṅgo ’drir ivendra-tejasā
tasyātmajāḥ sapta pitur vadhāturāḥ
pratikriyāmarṣa-juṣaḥ samudyatāḥ


vyasuḥ — lifeless; papāta — he fell; ambhasi — into the water; kṛtta — severed; śīrṣaḥ — his heads; nikṛtta — cut off; śṛṅgaḥ — whose peak; adriḥ — a mountain; iva — as if; indra — of Lord Indra; tejasā — by the power (that is, by his thunderbolt); tasya — his, Mura’s; ātma-jāḥ — sons; sapta — seven; pituḥ — of their father; vadha — by the killing; āturāḥ — very distressed; pratikriyā — for retribution; amarṣa — fury; juṣaḥ — feeling; samudyatāḥ — aroused to action.


Lifeless, Mura’s decapitated body fell into the water like a mountain whose peak has been severed by the power of Lord Indra’s thunderbolt. The demon’s seven sons, enraged by their father’s death, prepared to retaliate.

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