SB 10.48.24

स त्वं प्रभोऽद्य वसुदेवगृहेऽवतीर्ण:
स्वांशेन भारमपनेतुमिहासि भूमे: ।
अक्षौहिणीशतवधेन सुरेतरांश-
राज्ञाममुष्य च कुलस्य यशो वितन्वन् ॥ २४ ॥
sa tvam prabho ’dya vasudeva-gṛhe ’vatīrṇaḥ
svāṁśena bhāram apanetum ihāsi bhūmeḥ
akṣauhiṇī-śata-vadhena suretarāṁśa-
rājñām amuṣya ca kulasya yaśo vitanvan


saḥ — He; tvam — You; prabho — O master; adya — now; vasudeva-gṛhe — in the home of Vasudeva; avatīrṇaḥ — have descended; sva — with Your own; aṁśena — direct expansion (Lord Balarāma); bharam — the burden; apanetum — to remove; iha — here; asi — You are; bhūmeḥ — of the earth; akṣauhiṇī — of the armies; śata — hundreds; vadhena — by killing; sura-itara — of the opponents of the demigods; aṁśa — who are expansions; rājñām — of the kings; amuṣya — of this; ca — and; kulasya — dynasty (of the descendants of Yadu); yaśaḥ — the fame; vitanvan — spreading.


You are that very same Supreme Person, my Lord, and You have now appeared in the home of Vasudeva with Your plenary portion. You have done this to relieve the earth’s burden by killing hundreds of armies led by kings who are expansions of the demigods’ enemies, and also to spread the fame of our dynasty.


The term suretarāṁśa-rājñām indicates that the demoniac kings slain by Kṛṣṇa were in fact expansions or incarnations of the enemies of the demigods. This fact is elaborately explained in the Mahābhārata, which reveals the specific identities of the demoniac kings.

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