SB 10.46.9-13

वासितार्थेऽभियुध्यद्भ‍िर्नादितं शुश्मिभिर्वृषै: ।
धावन्तीभिश्च वास्राभिरुधोभारै: स्ववत्सकान् ॥ ९ ॥
इतस्ततो विलङ्घद्भ‍िर्गोवत्सैर्मण्डितं सितै: ।
गोदोहशब्दाभिरवं वेणूनां नि:स्वनेन च ॥ १० ॥
गायन्तीभिश्च कर्माणि शुभानि बलकृष्णयो: ।
स्वलङ्कृताभिर्गोपीभिर्गोपैश्च सुविराजितम् ॥ ११ ॥
अग्‍न्यर्कातिथिगोविप्रपितृदेवार्चनान्वितै: ।
धूपदीपैश्च माल्यैश्च गोपावासैर्मनोरमम् ॥ १२ ॥
सर्वत: पुष्पितवनं द्विजालिकुलनादितम् ।
हंसकारण्डवाकीर्णै: पद्मषण्डैश्च मण्डितम् ॥ १३ ॥
vāsitārthe ’bhiyudhyadbhir
nāditaṁ śuśmibhir vṛṣaiḥ
dhāvantībhiś ca vāsrābhir
udho-bhāraiḥ sva-vatsakān
itas tato vilaṅghadbhir
go-vatsair maṇḍitaṁ sitaiḥ
veṇūnāṁ niḥsvanena ca
gāyantībhiś ca karmāṇi
śubhāni bala-kṛṣṇayoḥ
sv-alaṅkṛtābhir gopībhir
gopaiś ca su-virājitam
dhūpa-dīpaiś ca mālyaiś ca
gopāvāsair mano-ramam
sarvataḥ puṣpita-vanaṁ
padma-ṣaṇḍaiś ca maṇḍitam


vāsita — of the fertile (cows); arthe — for the sake; abhiyudhyadbhiḥ — who were fighting with one another; nāditam — resounding; śuśmibhiḥ — sexually aroused; vṛṣaiḥ — with the bulls; dhāvantībhiḥ — running; ca — and; vāsrābhiḥ — with the cows; udhaḥ — by their udders; bhāraiḥ — burdened; sva — after their own; vatsakān — calves; itaḥ tataḥ — here and there; vilaṅghadbhiḥ — jumping; go-vatsaiḥ — by the calves; maṇḍitam — adorned; sitaiḥ — white; go-doha — of the milking of the cows; śabda — by the sounds; abhiravam — reverberating; veṇūnām — of flutes; niḥsvanena — with the loud vibration; ca — and; gāyantībhiḥ — who were singing; ca — and; karmāṇi — about the deeds; śubhāni — auspicious; bala-kṛṣṇayoḥ — of Balarāma and Kṛṣṇa; su — finely; alaṅkṛtābhiḥ — ornamented; gopībhiḥ — with the cowherd women; gopaiḥ — the cowherd men; ca — and; su-virājitam — resplendent; agni — of the sacrificial fire; arka — the sun; atithi — guests; go — the cows; vipra — the brāhmaṇas; pitṛ — forefathers; deva — and demigods; arcana — with worship; anvitaiḥ — filled; dhūpa — with incense; dīpaiḥ — lamps; ca — and; mālyaiḥ — with flower garlands; ca — also; gopa-āvāsaiḥ — because of the homes of the cowherds; manaḥ-ramam — very attractive; sarvataḥ — on all sides; puṣpita — flowering; vanam — with the forest; dvija — of birds; ali — and bees; kula — with the swarms; nāditam — resounding; haṁsa — with swans; kāraṇḍava — and a certain species of duck; ākīrṇaiḥ — crowded; padma-ṣaṇḍaiḥ — with bowers of lotuses; ca — and; maṇḍitam — beautified.


Gokula resounded on all sides with the sounds of bulls in rut fighting with one another for fertile cows; with the mooing of cows, burdened by their udders, chasing after their calves; with the noise of milking and of the white calves jumping here and there; with the loud reverberation of flute-playing; and with the singing of the all-auspicious deeds of Kṛṣṇa and Balarāma by the cowherd men and women, who made the village resplendent with their wonderfully ornamented attire. The cowherds’ homes in Gokula appeared most charming with their abundant paraphernalia for worship of the sacrificial fire, the sun, unexpected guests, the cows, the brāhmaṇas, the forefathers and the demigods. On all sides lay the flowering forest, echoing with flocks of birds and swarms of bees and beautified by its lakes crowded with swans, kāraṇḍava ducks and bowers of lotuses.


Although Gokula was merged in grief because of separation from Lord Kṛṣṇa, the Lord expanded His internal potency to cover that particular manifestation of Vraja and allow Uddhava to see the normal bustle and joy of Vraja at sunset.

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