SB 10.46.47

भगवत्युदिते सूर्ये नन्दद्वारि व्रजौकस: ।
द‍ृष्ट्वा रथं शातकौम्भं कस्यायमिति चाब्रुवन् ॥ ४७ ॥
bhagavaty udite sūrye
nanda-dvāri vrajaukasaḥ
dṛṣṭvā rathaṁ śātakaumbhaṁ
kasyāyam iti cābruvan


bhagavati — the lord; udite — when he rose; sūrye — the sun; nanda-dvāri — in the doorway of Nanda Mahārāja’s home; vraja-okasaḥ — the residents of Vraja; dṛṣṭvā — seeing; ratham — the chariot; śātakaumbham — made of gold; kasya — whose; ayam — this; iti — thus; ca — and; abruvan — they spoke.


When the godly sun had risen, the people of Vraja noticed the golden chariot in front of Nanda Mahārāja’s doorway. “Who does this belong to?” they asked.

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