SB 10.46.41
चित्ते कर्तरि तत्रात्मा कर्तेवाहंधिया स्मृत: ॥ ४१ ॥
bhrāmyatīva mahīyate
citte kartari tatrātmā
kartevāhaṁ-dhiyā smṛtaḥ
yathā — as; bhramarikā — because of whirling around; dṛṣṭyā — in one’s vision; bhrāmyati — whirling; iva — as if; mahī — the ground; īyate — appears; citte — the mind; kartari — being the doer; tatra — there; ātmā — the self; kartā — the doer; iva — as if; aham-dhiyā — because of false ego; smṛtaḥ — is thought.
Just as a person who is whirling around perceives the ground to be turning, one who is affected by false ego thinks himself the doer, when actually only his mind is acting.
Śrīla Viśvanātha Cakravartī gives a parallel idea: Although our happiness and distress are caused by our own interaction with the material qualities, we perceive the Lord to be their cause.
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