SB 10.46.38
न माता न पिता तस्य न भार्या न सुतादय: ।
नात्मीयो न परश्चापि न देहो जन्म एव च ॥ ३८ ॥
नात्मीयो न परश्चापि न देहो जन्म एव च ॥ ३८ ॥
na mātā na pitā tasya
na bhāryā na sutādayaḥ
nātmīyo na paraś cāpi
na deho janma eva ca
na bhāryā na sutādayaḥ
nātmīyo na paraś cāpi
na deho janma eva ca
na — there is no; mātā — mother; na — no; pitā — father; tasya — for Him; na — no; bhāryā — wife; na — no; suta-ādayaḥ — children and so forth; na — no one; ātmīyaḥ — related to Himself; na — nor; paraḥ — an outsider; ca api — also; na — no; dehaḥ — body; janma — birth; eva — either; ca — and.
He has no mother, no father, no wife, children or other relatives. No one is related to Him, and yet no one is a stranger to Him. He has no material body and no birth.
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